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The following professionals and services are supported by mypartyband - please click on each link for further information
Langham Hotel - Eastbourne
Jon Barker - Instrumental & Vocal Entertainer
Steve Hewlett & Friends - Ventriloquist

Steve & Tricia Blake - Sophisticated Sorcery
Toastmaster - Robert Brown

Tucker - Comedian
A Toastmaster in his red tailcoat is a unique English tradition that adds a certain style, distinction and panache to any event. Robert offers the traditional services of greeting and announcing guests and introducing speeches and toasts. His duties relieve the host of worry and stress, and include overseeing the smooth running of the event.
Robert was trained and is a graduate of the prestigious UK School of Professional Toastmasters Ltd. He is a Past President of the Association of the UK School of Professional Toastmasters.
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